
Rafael kinsella

Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Member since January 2nd, 2014
I'm sixteen and I live to fish, and I fish to live, boston 617 strong

General Info

Trout fishing
Striper fishing
LMB fishing
Favorite Fish to Catch
Trout, stripers
Favorite Type of Fishing
Spin rod or surfcasting
Water Type
Saltwater and Freshwater
Favorite Lures
Uncle josh trout nuggets, Gary Yamamoto senko artificial worm
Fishing Rods
Shakespeare ugly stik
Shimano ninja
Big water alpha cast
Fishing Reels
Shimano ninja
Fishing Techniques
Dough baits and artificial for lethargic bottom feeding trout
Favorite Fishing Spot
Jamiaca pond
# of MAFF Friends

Rafael kinsella's Latest Reports

Went to Jamaica pond and fished off the walls near the boat house. Caught 3 rainbows in about 1hour on some uncle josh trout nuggets.

Posted 10 years ago

Going to hit up Jamaica pond right after they have stocked it to try and land some browns and brookies not just the usual rainbows. Gonna use some gulp salmon eggs and some new spinners that I got at the worsecter fishing show, it's gonna be an awesome time!!!! Hope to see some of you guys out there!

Posted 10 years ago

Mondays suck so why not go fishing? That's what I'm gonna do! Going for some trout and maybe bass off the docks at Jamaica pond, for the bass I will be using big bite worms rigged wacky style, for the trout I will be using the usual, gulp salmon eggs and chunky chartreuse gulp dough bait .
Hope to see some of you guys out there on the pond!!
I will be there from 5:30 to 7:30

Posted 10 years ago

Going out to Jamaica pond this Saturday regardless of what the weather is like, gonna go for some holdover trout and maybe even some bass. Gonna see if any of you guys want to hit the pond with me but I might have to brave it alone. I'm going to be using gulp alive fluorescent orange salmon eggs wrapped up in gulp trout dough, chunky chartreuse colored. I'm hoping to get at least 3 hours of fishing in or until I catch my limit. Hope to see some of you guys out there!

Caught a few nice rainbows in about two hours the weather was okay but what really surprised me was the fact that the whole pond is open water now!!!!! Going out again tonight with patriotsandbass, it's gonna be his first time fishing there!

Posted 11 years ago

Going stripes fishing on the vineyard in a couple of months on a friends boat

Posted 24 years ago

We are going for some rainbows that congregate around a small under ground crevice that bubbles up hot water from the bottom of the pond. This keeps ice unfrozen for the most part in that area. We can use a variety of baits but I will be using trout nuggets.

Posted 11 years ago

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With 103 Total Points

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  • Largemouth Rank
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Total Trips: 6

Total Photos: 20

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Total Trip Comments: 6

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Total Message Board Posts: 69

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Total Amenities Added: 1

Total Amenities Edited: 1

Total Overall Points: 103

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