The fact that the winds were blowing with 25 mph. gusts should have been my first clue. The bait shop was empty, should have been my second clue. The fact that no one was on the beach was the third clue. But I ignored all three clues and had nothing but a little tap on the line to show for my efforts.
Posted 25 years ago
Did everything right, right bait, right tide, right rig - wrong day! Only thing we caught was some carnations and someone else's rod and reel. Once I pulled the reel apart and saw the tangled mess of line I had come to suspect that someone didn't lose the rod but tossed it overboard!
Posted 14 years ago
Hubs and I went out to the ocean with a friend in his boat. Boys against the girl fishing. Girl won with five croakers ( I was surprised, they really do croak) 1 blue and 1 fluke. Hubs netted a short fluke (just barely) and a black sea bass. Our friend came just under my 7 fish with five croakers and a blue. Fun day of fishing.
Posted 14 years ago
Went looking for kingfish and fluke, caught black sea bass and spots.
Posted 14 years ago
Today was a couple of firsts for me........first time out in the ocean on a boat, first time actully touching a shark and first time holding my own catch. All this time I have been fishing and I have never held my own fish! Three of us on the boat and all we managed to pull in was 1 keeper fluke, 5 throw backs, 1 tiny short fin mako and one starfish.
Posted 14 years ago
Wanted to try out my new beach cart (girl has got to have all her stuff with her). Heard kingfish were plentiful. Talked to a guy who had been fishing there all morning and he brought in a few. Gave it a try but, alas, one got away before it got pulled ashore. Two spit the hook. Saw one guy reel in about a 8" shark and a pod of dolphins running down the shoreline. No fish caught but a nice day on the beach!
Posted 14 years ago
I was sitting on the bow of the boat with my line in the water, maybe I would catch a flounder or two. My husband was aft enjoying the view. "Hon, I think there's a shark up here." "It's probably just a sand shark", he says. "I don't think so." "Brown shark?" "Nope" I had forgotten about my line in the water and just then that little guy grabbed it and almost pulled my pole in the bay. It wasn't the biggest fish in the world but it was still an exciting catch for me.
Posted 14 years ago
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Total Overall Points: 90