
Dave R

Beacon Falls/Seymour, Connecticut, USA
Member since March 9th, 2009

General Info

beer,fishing, football, hockey, basketball, music of all kinds, Darts
Horseshoes, NY GIANTS NFL NY Rangers Hockey, UCONN Basketball

Favorite Fish to Catch
Bass largemouth smallmouth stripers
Favorite Type of Fishing
In the weeds and pads
Water Type
Saltwater and Freshwater
Favorite Lures
spinner baits/snagproof leech/shallow crankbaits/and cast masters for small fish
Fishing Rods
Ugly sticks
cabelas fish eagle II (SNAPPED)
Fishing Reels
Abu Garcia
i have 10 abu reels. 7 of them are spinning 3 is casting. I collect old Abu Reels they don't have to be anything special if they are cheap. You would be surprised how many different countries they have been built in.
Fishing Techniques
Favorite Fishing Spot
any style any where
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Dave R's Latest Reports

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First time at Tyler Lake in the Kayak. Nice little Ramp went to the left of the ramp and fished the shore line. I got a couple Largemouth and a Crappie. Of course the biggest fish of the day spit the hook right next to the kayak. The weather was great minus a little wind an all around nice day looking forward to going back. I went to Dogg Pond earlier and got 4 pickerel and 2 Bass.

Posted 11 years ago

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Lower CT River

Posted 13 years ago

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Went fishing and the river was way to high. Decided to try one more spot before heading home. Good choice going to the next spot got a trout. Looked at phone saw Dan called had him come meet me because I got a trout and lost a salmon. I was mad that I lost the Salmon and kept fishing. Not long after fish on SALMON fought for about 35-45 minutes on 8lb flourocarbon line and a medium bass fishing setup.

Posted 14 years ago

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Nice day I got 1 pike. Darric got 2 pike and Dan got 1 pike 2 pickerel.
Little bit of snow not to cold not a bad day.

Posted 15 years ago

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Nice day pickin some bluefish here and there then a great ending of the day. The last about three hours many many blues and a two stripers. Oh yeah about 6 scup between us

Posted 15 years ago

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Okay, well this is the second trip to this lake I've ever made. The first trip was great. With some experience the getting in the water was much smoother. We were off to a slow start Sean got a perch and I got a small smallmouth. A few drifts later thing start to pick up. To make a long story short I catch 13 smallmouth and a sunny. Sean caught about 12 smallies and 1 perch and a couple of sunny. We used bait and lures catching them on crankbaits jigs rubberworms shiners .

Posted 15 years ago

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Man I have always wanted to catch a shark. It almost seemed like something I wouldn't ever do. My good friend Sean told me stories of him and his brother catching them like crazy years ago. We had talked about going since last year and one day on lunch break at work we decide to do it. We headed out in to the Atlantic through the thick early morning fog. We arrived at our first stop as the fog lifted. I got to cut the chum, to most people it would be a chore but to me it was fun. 7 hours of fishing and two sharks and a dog fish. I caught my first shark ever an 8 foot blue shark and Sean got a 5 foot mako. The cool park was I had hooked the shark on the smallest rigg we had just to have an extra pole in the water. We used that rod for stripers and blues and to catch a shark on it it was a work out. The pics are on my profile i couldnt remember how to add them to the trip

Posted 15 years ago

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Captain Sean and I were going out here this was my first time and he had not fished here in many years. We stopped at the local bait shop. I think it was Candlewood bait ant tackle nice lady and older guy marks some spots on the map for us and we headed out. The first 20 min where the best. Thats because i got the biggest bass I have ever caught. After a few hours of slow fishing we got many other fish and some good ones. I got a 5lb 21" smallmouth biggest fish of the day. But sean got a 21,two 19,and a16 inch smallie 7 perch.

Posted 15 years ago

two and a half hours fishing from my kayak. First five minutes i get a 16 1/2 " largemouth on a snagproof leech. Many more hits to follow but couldn't hook anything. I switched to a spinnerbait and got an okay pickerel about 15". I found a frog lure in the pads and it had a pole connected to it. Its some cheap pole but still works. nice day sunny

Posted 15 years ago

I wanted to find some new bass fishing spots. I looked on the site and then in the dep lakes and ponds book. Looking at dog pond it seemed to be a great place to take my kayak. I spent about 4 hours caught 5 pickerel 19" being the biggest and 2 LMB 12" was the biggest. My kind of fishing weeds pads all the good stuff.

Posted 15 years ago

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With 485 Total Points

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Previous Ranks Achieved:

  • Swordfish Rank
  • Striped Bass Rank
  • Largemouth Rank
  • Smallmouth Rank
  • Panfish Rank
  • Rainbow Trout Rank
  • Brook Trout Rank
  • Baitfish Rank

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Below is where we list statistics for the number of reviews, comments, message board posts, etc. that this user has posted on all the Fish Finder sites. The higher total overall points a user has, the higher the user's ranking.

Total Trips: 10

Total Photos: 154

Total Hotspots: 4

Total Trip Reviews: 61

Total Trip Comments: 12

Total Location Reviews: 13

Total Location Comments: 24

Total Locations Added: 2

Total Locations Edited: 6

Total Message Board Posts: 176

Total Species Comments: 19

Total Species Recipes: 1

Total Species Edited: 3

Total Amenities Added: 0

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Total Overall Points: 485

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