Working out of town, so I took advantage and rented a boat for the day. Great to not be crackin ice to fish the first week of February. Water still cool, but the fish bitin.. everything on jerk baits.
If anyone up for a trip to the California Delta for a little vacation, send me a PM, I'll be here working... at least until the ice thaws back home!!
Posted 12 years ago
I noticed Shawn put up a trip and picture of a nice December fish, so it motivated me to try and keep up. I didn't risk falling out of my boat though, so did some shore fishing at the lower Mystic. Was surprised at how productivity a day it was. Crawfish color crank baits worked slow and a football jig.
Posted 12 years ago
Jay threw in a white jig with a bright pink weight when i ordered some jigs last month. I am pretty sure he threw it in as an extra, because i don't think I'd have bought it!
But he'smarter than me when jig fishing. The baitfish running up the Aberjona River from the Upper Mystic Lake, so I finally took the jig out and threw it under the train bridge (community spot for folks that follow the site). Sure enough... wham, about 4lbs.
Last Saturday after the rain Friday the river running and the fish moved up the river, caught about 6 or so in 30 minutes. That was all my wife could take.. even though i talked her into holding up the 4lbs with the pink jig (no way I was going to admit to using the pink bait!)
Posted 12 years ago
Worked the pads with flipping baits, bright sun and no wind. All the bites were deep in the pads, except for one under a dock.
After pulled boat, herring fry forming around the dam on upper side and several schools of bass cruising below the dam on the lower lake side. Next trip will work herring schools.
Posted 25 years ago
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