Welcome sam828! There's lots of info on this site, it is kinda quite though. I've never fished at the Brayton Point plant but I've been told the warm water from the cooling discharge brings the fish around there. I fish Narrow river a lot also great beach day if the fishing's slow. I was there last Monday AM nice day caught 2 schoolies using a popper and got out just as the wind started to pick up. I like to go between the mouth of the river and middle bridge. High Tide is a good time to paddle around in the pond back there. Stripers sit on the bottom there. I'm going to the Pawcatuk river in Westerly Sunday evening. The tide and sunset and moon rise all happen within hours of each other. Maybe all that'll confuse the fish enough to bite at the plastics,rubber and such I throw out there, who knows?

I know if I keep going I'll hit it just right one of these trips!